
Does Wart Removal Leave Scars

Recovery from a wart removal procedure depends on several factors. The ones of particular importance are the blazon of treatment done, the lesion's location and severity and the patient's allowed status.

Your skin specialists at BHSkin Dermatology have a number of quick, condom and effective solutions even for the most stubborn warts. You might have even discussed some office procedures with your BHSkin doctor on your last visit. Understandably, questions may remain nigh how each treatment is performed, how uncomfortable it would exist and how long information technology would keep you from your daily activities.

Here, we explain the recovery process from each procedure and what you can do to ensure proper healing.

What Are the Factors that Can Bear on Recovery from a Wart Removal Procedure?

In-function wart treatments produce some kind of controlled pare injury. As such, recovery focuses on the post-treatment wound's healing. Many factors bear on skin repair, and your care provider at BHSkin Dermatology will evaluate your fitness for a procedure based on these.

The Lesion's Location

The specific concerns here include occurrence in a weight-bearing area, growth on a site involved in movement, circulation and sun exposure.

The pressure from one'due south weight delays healing because of oxygen depletion. Post-treatment wounds in weight-begetting areas, like the soles of the anxiety, need to be protected until they heal. Patients who have just undergone plantar wart removal may be advised to wear loose footwear and crutches for a while.

You lot'll know that healing is well on its way when walking on the affected foot becomes comfy over again. For some individuals, this may happen in every bit petty as 2-three weeks, but others may demand to be on crutches longer.

Other forms of pressure, such every bit that coming from a pen when writing, may also tedious downwards recovery.

Sites involved in movement, similar those on manus joints, may also heal slowly without immobilization. Movement stretches the contracting regions of the pare. Skin contraction is a natural torso process needed to close up wounds.

Poor circulation is a complication of diseases like diabetes mellitus and peripheral arterial disease. Patients may experience boring healing, even non-healing, of wounds in areas where claret, oxygen and nutrient supply are inadequate. Doctors usually discourage invasive procedures in these sites due to the adventure of not-healing and secondary bacterial infection.

Changes underneath a airtight wound will continue for months, even years. Lord's day exposure tin darken newly repaired skin and break down its new connective tissues. To go the best cosmetic results, you may need to continue sun protection long after resuming normal activities.

The Post-Handling Wound's Size and Shape

Smaller postal service-handling wounds generally heal faster than big or scattered ones. Inflammation of small pare breaks typically subsides within a few days to a week in good for you individuals.

Meanwhile, the repair time for bigger lesions largely depends on the post-treatment wound's shape. Sparse incisions let the peel'south superlative surface to contract hands, so they typically heal faster than circular wounds. Stitches, skin glue, skin tape and surgical staples aid speed up wound closure. They are advisable for slit-similar cuts but not for round or wide lesions.

wart recovery time in hours, days, and weeks

The Wart Removal Procedure

The type of procedure influences pain severity and elapsing, also as recovery time.

Generally, less invasive role procedures hurt less and only briefly. They include bleomycin injections, which produce but puncture wounds, and the non-invasive cantharidin handling. These therapies require little to no downtime, depending on the wart'south location and other factors.

Cryotherapy is minimally invasive, merely patients do not unremarkably need numbing medication during the session. However, it will create a blister that tin stay sore for days. Picayune to no reanimation is required if it is washed in non-weight-begetting areas.

Other office procedures fire the warts or create larger incisions, requiring pain medication during the session, and sometimes, subsequently. They include electrosurgery and curettage, VBeam light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation treatment and excision. Recovery time is variable.

The Patient's Immune Status

When the skin breaks, immune cells go to the site to clean it up and prevent damage spread. They initiate inflammation, killing off whatever microbes that may be present in the area. Healing starts after the immune cells have washed their job. Individuals with poor immune status, such equally persons with HIV and diabetes mellitus, are at risk for delayed recovery or not-healing.

Other Factors that Can Delay Wound Healing and Recovery

A number of other wellness factors tin also slow down healing and recovery time. They include the post-obit:

  • Clotting abnormalities, every bit clotting is the starting time procedure that closes upwards a wound. Liver disease, inborn clotting disorders, depression platelet counts, blood thinner intake, etc. can put patients at risk of meaning haemorrhage and wound non-closure.
  • Treatments that suppress the immune arrangement, such as steroid intake and radiotherapy in a nearby site.
  • Factors that prolong the inflammatory process, like post-treatment wound infection and bruising (hematoma) and radiotherapy in a nearby location. Foreign bodies similar dirt and retained gauze can irritate the pare further and filibuster recovery.
  • Connective tissue disease, since wound healing generates a lot of new connective tissues. Therefore, healing would be difficult for individuals with weather condition like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, SLE, etc.
  • Malnutrition, considering the formation of new connective tissues requires good for you levels of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.
  • Surgery in another body part, considering the other post-surgical wound will divert nutrients from the wart removal site.
  • Age, because elderly individuals typically experience slower wound healing than younger ones.
  • Smoking, because it introduces costless radicals and other toxins that can delay recovery. It also causes claret thickening and blood vessel narrowing, both of which deplete the wart removal site of oxygen and nutrients.

To ensure fast recovery, doctors will advise measures that can hasten pare repair. Post-treatment wound care, proper diet and rest, medication adherence and avoidance of smoking tin all help shorten your downtime.

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What Can You Await During the Procedure, and How Do You Treat the Area Afterwards Wart Removal?

Every bit previously mentioned, office wart treatments differ according to their level of invasiveness. Consequently, they require unlike pain management approaches and aftercare regimens. The type of process also determines the need for post-treatment action limitation and echo sessions. Below, we describe these aspects for the office wart treatments that BHSkin Dermatology specializes in.


What to expect: In this procedure, the doctor will freeze the wart with liquid nitrogen. Information technology is quick and may be washed in a few minutes. Some patients attempt thinning the wart downwards beforehand with buffing and salicylic acrid, but cryotherapy requires no pretreatment preparation.

Is cryotherapy painful? During the procedure, you will feel a cold awareness and some discomfort on the site, which volition terminal only a few seconds. Numbing medication is usually not required. The area will get inflamed and blister within 24 hours. Baking may cause mild to moderate pain for a few days.

Reanimation: The recovery period after cryotherapy depends on the body part involved. You may resume normal activities as presently as it is done. Still, if the treated area is in a weight-bearing or repeatedly compressed location, you may have to protect it for a calendar week to permit information technology dry out upwardly before returning to your usual routines. The site can be washed while bathing.

Aftercare: The blister volition need a plaster for protection. Information technology is expected to form a scab a calendar week after handling. Still, if it breaks before scabbing, make certain to apply an antiseptic on the site and avert touching the fluid. The scab will fall off on its ain. Until then, do not selection at the site, as that will spread the virus.

Cryotherapy rarely leads to bacterial infection, simply phone call your dr. if the wart removal site develops signs of infection. One or two treatments may be enough for pocket-size warts, but bigger ones will crave more.

wart removal process & recovery


What to expect: The md volition apply a chemic on the wart and comprehend it with not-porous tape. Information technology should take only a few minutes. Cantharidin awarding does non require whatever pretreatment preparations.

Is cantharidin treatment painful? Cantharidin application itself is painless, but blistering will occur in 1-2 days, making the site feel tender. The discomfort will become away in 4-7 days every bit the blister dries up.

Downtime: As in cryotherapy, the reanimation for cantharidin treatment too depends on the body part involved.

Aftercare: The medico volition instruct you to wash the area with soap and water afterward four hours. You lot can take information technology off sooner if you feel a burning awareness or severe hurting on the site. You may wash the treated area while showering and cover it with a plaster afterward.

Occasionally, patients develop bigger, more painful blisters, needing fluid drainage. If this happens, you may apply an antiseptic solution to the area and so prick i side of the blister with a sterilized needle. Practice not touch the fluid or remove the blister roof. Dry the area with gauze and sterilize it over again in one case drainage is done.

The wart will dry up a week subsequently the treatment. Your doctor tin clip the dead wart on follow up if it has not fallen off by then.

Complications are rare subsequently cantharidin treatment, but telephone call your dermatologist if you feel astringent bleeding, itchiness or hurting. Resistant warts will require multiple sessions.

Electrosurgery and Curettage

What to expect: The doctor will clean the surface area and give you numbing medication before the treatment. A pocket-size blade or spoon-like device volition be used to scoop out the wart. A pen-like, electrical heating device will stop the haemorrhage and burn the residue of the growth. The session'southward duration depends on the wart's severity, but it usually takes virtually 15 minutes, which includes the injection of the numbing drug.

The procedure creates a circular or wide wound that volition not need suturing. Depending on your wellness condition, your dermatologist may advise yous to get medical clearance or cease some medications a few days before the session.

Are electrosurgery and curettage painful? The combined handling is painless because of the anesthetic, merely the site may feel tender for 1-two weeks, requiring over-the-counter painkillers.

Downtime: The recovery period later on electrosurgery and curettage depends on the post-operative wound's depth, size, and location. You may be advised to avoid exertion in the starting time 1-2 weeks. Wounds from this process take 2-4 weeks to heal.

Aftercare: Your doc volition give yous specific post-operative wound care instructions. Generally, the wound is kept dry and bandaged for the starting time 24-48 hours to let it clot properly. You can and so wash it afterward with gentle soap and h2o. Change the cast regularly.

If done expertly, electrosurgery and curettage rarely crusade complications. However, you may call your dr. if you experience severe hurting, bleeding, and fever, or if the site develops a yellowish discharge.

Warts need only one session of electrosurgery and curettage.


What to expect: The medico will clean the area, inject a numbing medication, cutting out the wart then close the wound. The whole session takes about 15-30 minutes.

The procedure will create a wound that may exist cauterized or stitched upwardly. Depending on your health condition, your dermatologist may advise you to get medical clearance or avert some medications a few days before your appointment.

Is wart excision painful? The procedure itself is painless because of the numbing medication, but the site will feel tender for a couple of weeks. Yous may demand hurting medications after your session.

Downtime: Recovery from wart excision depends on the lesion's size, shape and location. Yous may be brash to avert strenuous activities for 2-4 weeks to avoid trauma to the site. Yous may use crutches to relieve the pressure from plantar excisions.

Aftercare: The specialist volition propose you nearly proper wound care, similar to that in electrosurgery and curettage. Call your doc if you experience severe pain, bleeding, and fever, or if the site develops signs of infection.

Warts demand merely one session of excision surgery.

VBeam Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Treatment

What to expect: Your dermatologist will use a powerful lite beam to break down the wart'south claret vessels. Each session takes well-nigh 15 minutes to two hours, depending on the problem'southward severity.

Prior to your appointment, the md may enquire you to avert sun exposure, chemical peels, vitamin A-containing medications and other treatments that may cause your skin to become photosensitive.

Is VBeam light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation treatment of warts painful? Your care provider will use a device that sprays a cold, numbing mist on the pare while the laser is being applied. Almost patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure, although warts in sensitive areas may need topical pain medication. The site may feel mildly tender for up to 2 weeks.

Reanimation: The duration of the recovery menses subsequently laser surgery depends on the wart's size, distribution and location. Downtime is minimal if it is pocket-sized and away from the plantar areas or other oftentimes compressed sites. Otherwise, recovery will accept a few weeks.

Aftercare: The wart will dry upward in one-2 weeks, and the site may plow black as it heals. Go on it clean, dry out and lord's day-protected. You lot may experience some itching or bruising, simply it volition become away in a few days. Avoid picking at the area before information technology fully heals

Potable enough of fluids. Your trunk will help in clearing the site of dead cells and infection, making hydration of import.

Some warts respond immediately to VBeam laser handling, simply most cases crave multiple sessions.

wart that has been removed
Laser treatment was used to remove the wart on this finger.

Bleomycin Injection

What to await: Your dermatologist will clean the site and inject an anti-cancer drug into the wart. It should take only a few minutes. Cursory, pinpoint bleeding may occur. Bleomycin injection does not require pretreatment preparations.

Is bleomycin treatment of warts painful? A bleomycin shot can crusade discomfort on the injection site, only numbing medication is usually not necessary. Warts in the palms and plantar areas may exist more sensitive to the injections. Slight tenderness may persist for up to two weeks.

Downtime: Bleomycin injections crave no downtime. You may proceed with your normal activities afterwards the session.

Aftercare: Rarely, patients experience wart haemorrhage at habitation. If this happens, you may dress up the site with clean gauze and drag the affected body part. Keep the surface area clean and dry. Call your doctor for persistent bleeding, signs of infection, severe pain or intolerable allergic reactions.

Bleomycin is not injected in a hairy expanse or shut to the nails, as it can affect hair and nail growth. It tin also crusade uneven peel tone on the wart removal site.

Bleomycin responses vary, just most patients require at least 4 sessions spaced three-iv weeks apart. Drying upward of the wart indicates that the treatment is constructive.

The tabular array below compares the recovery processes of the unlike office wart treatments that we merely described.

Wart Removal Procedure Usual Pain Level Recovery Fourth dimension and Mail-Treatment Activity Limitations Aftercare Required of the Patient Number of Treatments Expected
Cryotherapy Cursory discomfort during the procedure

Mild to moderate pain after the handling

Pain meds are non normally needed

Recovery takes up to 1 week

Non-weight-begetting sites require picayune to no downtime

Weight-bearing and repeatedly compressed sites need protection for i week

Keep the site dry and clean

Put a plaster on the cicatrice

Put clarified if the blister breaks

Avoid picking at the lesion

Minor warts may require i-2 treatments

Bigger ones will need more sessions

Cantharidin Painless process

Balmy to moderate hurting after the treatment

Hurting meds are not usually needed

Recovery takes upwards to ane week

Non-weight-bearing sites require little to no downtime

Weight-bearing and repeatedly compressed sites need protection for 1 calendar week

Wash off the site later on four hours

Keep the site dry and make clean

Put a plaster on the blister

Painful blisters may be punctured without unroofing

Resistant warts will crave multiple sessions
Electrosurgery and Curettage Pain meds needed during the procedure

May require OTC pain meds for 1-2 weeks

Recovery takes 2-iv weeks

Non-weight-bearing sites require avoidance of exertion for 1-2 weeks

Weight-begetting and repeatedly compressed sites need protection for 2-4 weeks

Go on the site dry for the first 24-48 hours

Proper wound care daily

No repeat treatments needed
Excision Hurting meds needed during the procedure

May require OTC hurting meds for ane-2 weeks

Recovery takes 2-4 weeks

Not-weight-begetting sites require abstention of exertion for ane-ii weeks

Weight-begetting and repeatedly compressed sites need protection for ii-4 weeks

Keep the site dry out for the starting time 24-48 hours

Proper wound care daily

No repeat treatments needed
VBeam Laser Treatment Pain meds are sometimes needed during the procedure

Slight discomfort may persist for upward to 2 weeks, which is usually tolerable

Recovery takes 2-iv weeks

Non-weight-bearing sites crave avoidance of exertion for one-2 weeks

Weight-bearing and repeatedly compressed sites demand protection for 2-iv weeks

Keep the area clean, dry and sun-protected

Avoid picking at the lesion

Drink plenty of fluids

Some warts respond after one treatment, but most volition need multiple sessions
Bleomycin Discomfort on the injection site during the process

Slight tenderness may persist for upwards to ii weeks

Pain meds are not ordinarily needed

Picayune to no downtime required Go along the site dry and clean

Put a plaster on the wart

Drag the site if with persistent haemorrhage

Most patients need at least 4 sessions 3-four weeks autonomously

As in any other health condition, handling success depends on the care provider'due south expertise. Nevertheless, a large function of your recovery also depends on your adherence to the aftercare regimen. Your doctor at BHSkin Dermatology will discuss other important details with you lot and walk y'all through a personalized handling program.


In-office wart treatments result in limited skin injury, so recovery depends on factors that tin can impact wound healing. Foremost of these factors is the type of procedure performed because it also impacts pain management, aftercare, the need for postal service-handling activeness limitation and treatment efficiency. Choosing the correct dermatologist ensures the procedure's success, simply aftercare adherence increases the chances of a speedy recovery.

Stubborn Warts? Non a Trouble! The Best LA Dermatologists Got You

Warts are persistent, infectious lesions that tin ruin your perfect complexion and go a source of personal distress. Nevertheless, they are no friction match for the expertise of our specialists at BHSkin Dermatology. They tin get rid of whatever stubborn wart without leaving cruddy marks on your peel. Come pay us a visit at our Encino and Glendale clinics or connect with united states through our virtual portal for telederm consults.

Book your engagement today so you can be one step closer to having that flawless complexion you lot've always wanted!

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